Monday, 1 February 2016

Fun Christmas Games at the Office

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Gift exchanges aren't just limited to family members, most workplaces will have their own form of fun gift exchanges as well. For the workplace the 'white elephant' or 'secret Santa' gift exchanges are the most popular ones.The most common gift exchange for the office is the "white elephant" method.  The rules will normally vary from one office the next but in general, they will set a price limit on the gifts and the idea is to bring some sort of fun gift that the recipient will like.When the gift exchange day arrives everyone who brought a gift will draw a number and they will get to pick a gift in the order of the number they drew.  After the first person has chosen his or her gift and opened it the next one can choose to open a new gift or "take" one that someone else already has. However a gift cannot be 'taken' more than 3 times. The game continues until everyone has a gift.The 'Secret Santa' game is another popular office gift exchange game. There are no hard fast rules as to how it should be played so they can vary from one place to another. One method is to have the participants make a list of what they would like to get but there would also be a set dollar amount of what the gift could cost so the items on the list would have to meet that criteria. Usually the dollar amount will be about $10-$20.
Then all the participants’ names are put into a container so everyone can draw names. Then whatever name you draw will be the person you have to buy for.  What makes it a 'secret' is the recipient doesn't know who got their name. When the gift exchange day arrives you put the gift on the desk of the recipient before they arrive for work and you don't want to let anyone else see you do it either. This way it remains a secret. However some offices may decide to have the gifts come with a card attached that tells who the gift came from, so that the recipient will know who to say "thank you" to.

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